Using The Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI):

Eat Cleaner with the ANDI SCALE

Aggregate Nutrient Density Index, or ANDI, is a tool created by Dr. Joel Fuhrman to help you quickly and easily gauge the nutritional value of different foods. To establish the ANDI scores, Dr. Fuhrman ranks the nutrient value of common foods based on how many nutrients they deliver to your body for the number of calories consumed.

The ANDI scores are based on 34 crucial nutritional parameters, and foods are ranked on a scale of 1 to 1000. ANDI scores are determined by assessing an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidant capacities. The higher the score, the more nutritious the food is considered to be.

Dr. Fuhrman’s formula breaks down into this simple formula: 

And merely put, a diet consisting of high-ranking ANDI foods will provide you with more nutrients per calorie, which is a key to excellent health.

The ANDI score can help guide you in various ways: 

  1. Find nutrient-dense foods with low calories 
  2. Compare the nutritional value of different foods


For example, watercress and kale blow other foods out of the water regarding taste and nutrition, scoring a perfect ANDI score of 1,000. See how watercress and kale stack up against other vegetables on Dr. Fuhrman’s ANDI index.

Let’s explore how consuming foods high on the ANDI index, such as watercress and kale, can benefit your daily life.

Improve Weight Loss

A diet high on the ANDI index might help you lose weight more successfully. One reason for supporting this is that high-ANDI foods are nutrient-dense, indicating that they are high in nutrients and low in calories. Therefore, a high ANDI score suggests you can eat more of these foods without consuming extra calories.

Also, foods that are high on the ANDI index are traditionally lower in carbohydrates and high in fiber. This combination helps regulate your blood sugar, preventing weight gain. 

Additionally, foods high on the ANDI index tend to be filling. Feeling full longer can help you eat fewer calories and achieve more successful weight loss.

Increase Energy

When your diet is high on the ANDI index, you can also help improve your energy levels throughout the day. Evidence suggests that foods high on the ANDI index are low in toxins and rich in nutrients. Such a diet helps your body function optimally. The high fiber content and blood sugar stabilization also support your energy levels.

Watercress contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, and B6, which are also considered natural energy sources.

Improve Immune Function

Foods high on the ANDI index can help improve your immune system and lower your risk of infection. For example, watercress and kale are high in Vitamins A and C, which protect the body against free radicals. Watercress and kale both have more Vitamin C than an orange and support the normal function of blood vessels, wound healing, iron absorption, and neurological function.

Improve Mood

Watercress and kale score highly on the Antidepressant Food Scale because they contain many necessary Antidepressant Nutrients. For example, gram for gram, watercress, and kale have more folate than bananas and more Vitamin C than oranges. Moreover, they’re a rich source of iron, and unlike many plant irons, the body can easily absorb the iron from watercress and kale. This is because Vitamin C promotes the absorption of plant iron by converting it into the same form found in meat, which the body can easily absorb. The high level of Vitamin C in watercress means that it is a rare green leaf with good iron availability. Iron absorption alone should move watercress to the top of the shopping list, particularly for the growing number of vegans and vegetarians who must source their iron from plants.

Improve Skin and Eye Health

Foods like watercress and kale, which rank high on the ANDI index, can also help improve your skin health. Watercress and kale are rich in antioxidants and will help protect your cells from damage, reducing inflammation and irritation in the skin. Furthermore, diets high on the ANDI index help improve your skin’s elasticity and diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Because watercress and kale are good sources of Vitamin A, these leafy greens are a fantastic natural source of this nutrient to aid in skin and eye health.

There are numerous benefits to eating foods high on the ANDI index. Not only might it help you lose weight and improve your health, but it may also improve your mental and skin health. So if you’re looking for a healthy and delicious way to enhance your well-being, try adding more watercress and kale to your diet using our recipes. Also, be sure to balance your diet with foods rich in complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats.

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Author: Ruth Bozeman has over 20 years in the marketing and health and fitness industries with a proven track record of trust and innovation.


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