3 Videos with New Ways for you to Enjoy Watercress

You are already eating with your eyes, why not learn to cook with them! Check out our video series for flavor packed inspiration with this versatile super leaf, and pack more nutrition into your next meal.

Watercress Mayo, the new “It” condiment, will make your next sandwich spectacular, and is your answer to ho-hum chicken, potato and egg salads. Make a batch and keep it in the fridge for a go-to flavor enhancer the next time you need mayonnaise.

Don’t have all day to make soup? Gingered Watercress Chicken Soup updates the comfort for our soul with the tang of ginger and pepperiness of watercress. All the great flavors come together in less than 30 minutes in this healthy dish.

Have you ever looked for a substitute for cilantro? Watercress can stand in for a variety of herbs. In this video, watercress steps in admirably for parsley and basil, as well as cilantro. So next time you have your cilantro averse friend coming over, plan ahead and swap in the pleasantly peppery punch of watercress.


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