Smart Farming Initiative from Largest Grower of Leafy Greens

World’s Largest Grower of Distinctive Leafy Greens Shares Smart Farming Initiative

(Fellsmere, FL) – As National Agriculture Week approaches, B&W Quality Growers (B&W) is proud to share its Smart Farming Initiative and the practices implemented to grow healthy products sustainably and naturally. With over 150 years of experience, B&W provides 100% natural watercress, arugula, water spinach, kale, and spinach on a year-round basis.

This annual availability is achieved by actively taking advantage of each of its eight farms’ peak growing seasons. But following the sun has passive and environmental benefits too. Because each farm can recharge naturally in seasonal rotation, there is a reduced need and use of chemicals. By utilizing this system, B&W has reduced its chemical usage by over 50% in the past 10 years.

With B&W’s primary product being watercress – a rapidly growing perennial plant that grows in waterbeds – a high sustainable priority is its water conservation efforts. To limit runoff and save valuable water resources, B&W utilizes a water recirculation system in each of the waterbeds that make all the water used on the farm reusable. B&W is net zero for water waste.

As a grower that harvests, packs, and ships in house, B&W’s sustainable practices go from farm to facility. Its product bags are from recycled materials and are recyclable, and since switching from wax-coated cardboard, B&W’s shipping and food service boxes are recyclable as well.

B&W Quality Growers’ mission is to provide the highest quality and flavor of distinctive leafy greens, but it has a passion to do so sustainably and ecologically. For more information about B&W’s Smart Farming Initiative and watercress, visit

Learn more about B&W and our farms and sustainable practices today.

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Author: Hailey Dolan is a marketing and communications professional with a passion for storytelling.


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