Mental Health Awareness
Mental Health: What is it, why is it important, how can you maintain or improve it, and more?
May is National Mental Health Month. But our mental health is something we should constantly be paying attention to, not just one month during the year. Let’s begin by understanding what mental health means. Mental health is an individual’s overall well-being and ability to cope with life’s stresses, realize their capabilities, learn and work well with others, and contribute to their community. Our mental health influences how we think, feel, and act.
We all encounter different circumstances that affect our mental health. In addition, many common aspects affect much of the population, so learning from how others cope and manage life’s stresses can be helpful.
Signs of Mental Health Struggles:
- Change in eating habits, both over and undereating
- Insomnia
- Change in energy levels
- Shying away from others
- Feelings of despair
- Unexplained confusion, anger, guilt, or anxiety
- Unable to perform daily tasks
- Unpredictable mood swings
- Considering self-harm
- Indulging in alcohol or other substances more than normal
Awareness is the key. And there are several ways to help reduce the suffering and the chance of onset.
One of the most substantial ways to impact your mental health is by eating a healthy diet. Try adding the world’s most nutrient-dense foods, such as watercress and kale, to your diet. Packed with over 50 essential vitamins, minerals, and compounds, these nutrient-dense leafy greens are an excellent starting point for a healthy diet. In addition to being the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, watercress and kale also score high on the Antidepressant Food Scale because of their nutrient-dense properties. For example, watercress and kale have more folate than a banana and more Vitamin C than an orange. Watercress and kale are also excellent sources of highly soluble iron, zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B. All these nutrients are related to preventing and treating depressive disorders.
Also, prioritize getting daily exercise and sleep, and consider creative outlets and meditation. The great thing about these tools is you can control these variables. Contributors like stress, work, social environment, etc., are sometimes outside of our control. And know that you don’t have to do it all by yourself.
If you’re looking for the tools to help others directly in times of crisis, consider getting certified in a mental health first aid course.
Mental Health First Aid offers in-person courses nationwide run by two certified coaches. Members will learn how to help others suffering a mental health crisis by recognizing, understanding, and reacting to signs of addiction or mental health conditions.
Look around on social media to find reliable creators, or start with some awesome inspirational content creators, this mental inspiration TikToker, or these mental health apps.
At the end of the day, remember you’re not a robot and don’t expect yourself to be on 24/7. So give yourself a break and time to replenish.
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Author: Ruth Bozeman has over 20 years in the marketing and health and fitness industries with a proven track record of trust and innovation.
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