Crispy Duck Breast With Marinated Peaches

Onion Soubise
Marinated Peaches
Duck Breasts

Onion Soubise

  1. In a medium pot, place the onion, ginger, port, water, butter, and star anise. Cook over medium low stirring frequently until the onions are soft and without color. Remove the star anise. Place the remaining ingredients into a blender and puree until smooth. Reserve warm.

Marinated peaches

  1. In a small sauce pan, reduce the half cup of port by half. While it is still warm, add in the honey and dissolve.
  2. Wash and quarter the peaches, removing the pits. Lightly oil the slices with olive oil and lightly season with salt. Sear them in a griddle pan to lightly char them. After they are charred, cut the peaches into thirds.
  3. Toss the peaches into the reduced port, chives, and thyme allowing the peaches to exude some of their juices. Reserve.

Duck Breasts

  1. Score the skin side of the duck breasts with a sharp knife creating hash marks on the surface no more than ¼ in wide. Season both sides of the duck with salt and pepper.
  2. Preheat a cast iron skillet until warm, not hot. Add the duck breasts skin side down and allow to render slowly. After about 10 minutes, the skin should be browning nicely and the top still quite raw. Flip them over for a minute and then remove them from the heat to rest. After the duck is rested, you may slice it. Serve the duck over some of the onion soubise and garnish with some of the marinated peaches that have been tossed with fresh watercress.

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